Purpose-built grapples and buckets for
Steel Mills and Smelting

Our generations of experience in steel mills and primary smelting applications make Mack your best source for onsite service support. From transferring ore and coal to loading scrap, Mack has the right solution to every material handling requirement. Our Touch and Go buckets and our submersible self-contained hydraulic buckets are also well proven in the application as scale pit clean-out buckets.
Our products:
- Multiple Tine Rock & Scrap Grabs
- Diesel Power Remote Control Self-Contained Hydraulically Operated Five Tine Orange Peel Grabs with Independent Tine Action
- Self-Contained Hydraulically Operated Orange Peel Grabs with Independent Tine Action
- 5 Tine, Independent Tine Action, Orange Peel Type Scrap Grabs
- 4 Tine, Independent Tine Action, Orange Peel Type Scrap Grabs
- Openside Hydraulically Operated Scrap Grabs
- Single Line Clamshell Bucket Touch and Go
- Hydraulically Operated Self-Contained Medium-Weight Rehandling Buckets
Depend on Mack quality for expert remanufacturing of any make, model or size of grapple or bucket in your facility.
If you don’t see what you need, talk to us about your requirements for custom engineered products and support services.
Download Mack’s new pictorial catalog of Scrap & Iron Handling Grapples & Buckets